Our Story

Hi Friends,

Welcome to our farm journey! We're currently located in Arvada, Colorado, on a 1/6th acre plot where we plan to grow bioregional and adapted vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers for our community. We're heading into our first farm season as Ibu Tierra Farm and we're excited to share our story here.

A little bit about our name. Ibu means mother or feminine elder, it's an honorific title in Indonesian. We chose this to honor Nick's heritage as his family comes from the island of Java. Tierra means Earth in Spanish. We chose it to honor Myranda's heritage. Her family is from the Southwest region of Turtle Island and she is a 7th generation Coloradan.

We are both from mixed European decent and we honor those ancestors and wisdom as well. That means we are committed to healing the harm that has been, and continues to be, caused by colonization. You will see that reflected here in our values and practices as a farm.

We appreciate your support for our new project and are glad you've taken the time to be here!

With gratitude,
Myranda & Nick